FOI Request - BACS Payment and Direct Debit

Request 101003145794 

Would we be able to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act – 6754 please.  If you could provide the below information I would be really grateful.

1. Who provides the organisations BACS payments and Direct Debit collection software?

2. How you came to the decision to choose these companies?

3. Do you use a Tender process or do you contact suppliers directly?

4. If you go out to tender, are you able to tell us your process for applying

5. Please provide your current expenditure for your Bacs payment processing and Direct Debit collection.

6. When does your current contract(s) with BACs payment and direct debit collection software expire?

7. What is the total value of your current BACS payment and Direct Debit collection software contract(s) and over what period?

8. Does the organisation, acting as a Bureau, provide Bacs processing on behalf on any other organisation?

Clarification sought 20/09/2022

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