FOI Request - Buses
Request 101003134581
The Council is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles primarily intended to carry eight people or more (i.e. of the type generally known as “buses”) currently licensed with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency where the Registered Keeper of the vehicle is the Council. The following information is requested:
1. Registration Mark of each motor vehicle;
2. Fleet number allocated (if any);
3. Make and Model/Type;
4. Manufacturer / converter of Body, and whether a tail lift is fitted.
The list to include former buses used for other purposes (such as publicity units or playbuses).
Response 15-09-2022
A list of the bus fleet can be accessed here as part of Freedom of Information Request Bus Routes 101003043325- Bus Routes. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.