FOI Request - Outdoor Seating Areas

Request 101003123948

1. Between 1 April 2021 and the current date, which business addresses in the council area were the subject of complaints (to the council's planning team) for erecting outdoor seating areas?
2. For each address, please tell me the date of the complaint/date related to the complaint, a brief summary of the complaint and a brief summary of how it was resolved. Please also state if no breach was found or whether the venue successfully went onto get planning permission or whether the venue removed the outdoor seating area or whether the issue is still ongoing.
3. As well as outdoor seating areas that have been subject of complaints, please list the venues that the council (particularly the licensing and planning teams) is aware of that have outdoor seating areas without the proper council permission?

Response 31-08-2022

1. Complaint 22/00195/ENF in relation to seating area outside Square Roots Café, Reidhaven Square, Keith. Received 19th July 2022, venue had temporary planning consent for seating area which has recently expired. Investigation is ongoing with Council seeking further planning application.

2. See above

3. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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