FOI Review - CPR Training for Children (101003085369)

FOI Review 101003122258

Re 101003085369

I am writing to request a review of the above referenced FOI.
I am writing to review this request as other local authorities have been able to comply with this FOI request without holding a digital or written copy of records relating to the request. For example, this was done by the LA contacting each school in the area to request the information required.

As such, I do not see why it is not possible for this council to fulfil this FOI request.

I look forward to receiving the outcome of the review by mail or email.

Response 29-09-2022

Following your request for a review (below), a review into the Freedom of Information (FOI) Request - CPR Training for Children 101003085369 - was held on 19th of August 2022. In attendance were the Records and Heritage Manager, Business Support Administrator, Senior Solicitor and Information Co-ordinator.

Your FOI Request from 30/05/2022 was discussed. Our original "Nil" response was based on the response of staff at several schools when approached regarding CPR training for children. We have since discovered that this type of training, whilst not organised centrally by the council, has been offered at some schools as part of their individual programme. Please see the attached list for the replies received. As schools had been closed until 15/08/2022 during the summer holidays we have not been able to gather any information until then.

Regarding you question 1, we can confirm that there is no established central CPR training programme in Moray. Any training will be organised by individual schools, sometimes for individual classes, for example as part of the Health & Wellbeing programme.

Regarding question 2, because any training is not centrally organised the output is not measured by the council, as such Section 17 of FOISA is applicable: information not held.

Question 3 - please see the attached document.

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