FOI Request - Adult Day Services
Request 101003119458
In line with Freedom of Information Legislation, I would be grateful if you could comply with the following request.
Regarding adult day services:
1. What if any Covid-19 precautions are being followed?
2. Are there any services that are closed due to Covid-19 precautions?
3. Are there any services that have been forced to relocate due to Covid-19 precautions?
4. If there have been any closures, or enforced relocations when are these expected to return to their pre-Covid-19 services?
Response 17-08-2022
1. All precautions as outlined by the Scottish Government . Health Protection Scotland and The Care Commission were followed and continue to be followed with service provision linked to Covid 19.
2. There are currently no day services closed due to Covid-19
3. There has been no physical relocation of services within internal day service provision for people who require a building based service. There has been the introduction of the Day Opportunities team to allow a greater range of options and flexibility regarding Self Directed Support options.
4. Not applicable.