FOI Request - Home/Domicillary Care
Request 101003113158
Under the FOI Act I would like to know for home (domiciliary) Care
1. What are the current commissioning arrangements in place (i.e SPOT, framework/dynamic purchasing system)
2. Number of providers that you contract with and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)
3. When do these expire
4. How many home care hours are commissioned per week and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework), if possible please can these be broken down into 15, 30,45 and 60 minutes.
5. What is the call off process (i.e how is work awarded)
6. Rates that you pay for care (please state range and average hourly rate)
7. If there are any enhancements for 6 please specify (i.e extra for weekends)
8. Number of live in packages commissioned
9. Rates that you pay for these
10. Do you have a need for new providers at present?
11. Do you have any minimum prerequisites for new providers (please state)
12. What is the name and contact details for the lead commissioner, if these cannot be shared how does a provider contact Commissioners for advice and support?
Please answer as of 30th June 2022. If this information is not available for that date, you are welcome to use any other date but please can you specify the date used.