FOI Request - Blue Badges and Concessionary Travel Cards
Request 101003094218
Please can you provide me with the following information held by your council regarding Blue Badges and Concessionary Travel Cards:
1. The Head/Manager of Blue Badges and Concessionary Travel Cards
- their contact details including telephone number
- email address.
2. Details of your current software that you use to manage customers applications, eg. NEC, Liberator, Opus, IEG4, Civica, Pentagull, etc. including
- contract cost
-duration of the contract
- its expiry date.
Response 13-07-2022
1. NEC (National Entitlement Card) - Nicola Moss, Acting Head of Environmental and Commercial Services
Blue Badges - Jane Mackie, Head of Community Care,
2. System NEC = SmartConnect
- contract cost NEC = information not available as not procured by local authorities.
- duration of the contract NEC = information not available as not procured by local authorities.
- its expiry date. NEC = information not available as not procured by local authorities.