FOI Request - Absent Children
Request 101003092742
1. How many children in your local authority area have been absent for more than 10% or more the academic year up until the 1st May 2022?
2. How many absences have been unauthorised in this academic year up until this date in your local authority area?
Response 06-07-2022
1. Overall - 12,113 pupils - 3568 (29.5%) had absence rate of 10% or more (Primary - 6929 pupils - 1810 (26.1%) had absence rate of 10% or more; Secondary - 5184 pupils - 1758 (33.9%) had absence rate of 10% or more)
2. Overall - 3375062 half day possible openings - 299459 half day absences of which 72510 unauthorised (Primary - 2006145 half day possible openings - 155843 half day absences of which 24820 unauthorised; Secondary - 1368917 half day possible openings - 143616 half day absences of which 47690 unauthorised)