FOI Request - Visiting Health Professionals in Schools
Request 101003091696
I am writing today to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act.
1. How many schools within the geographical boundaries of your IJB are visited by a Health Professional for educational purposes.
2. What professional background do the Health Professionals delivering such lessons/presentations have.
3. What topics are covered in any lessons/presentations given to school pupils by a visiting Health Professional.
4. What demographic (age and gender) of pupil are such lessons/presentations delivered to or aimed at.
5. What methods for assessment of outcomes exist in relation to the impact of such presentations/lessons.
6. How many School Nurses operate within the geographical boundaries of your IJB across how many schools.
Response 05-07-2022
Information not held. Please contact NHS Scotland for this information. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.