FOI Request - Hate Crime

Request 101003085392

Council Name:
Freedom of Information Reference Number:
Contact Name:
Contact Email:

1. Is hate crime included in the council’s current Community Safety plan?
? Yes (if yes can you send us a pdf copy of the Community Safety plan?)
? No
? Don’t know

2. Does the council have a separate hate crime plan/strategy?
? Yes (if yes can you send us a pdf copy of the hate crime plan/strategy?)
? No
? Don’t know

3. Does the council have a designated hate crime lead?
? Yes (if yes – can you provide contact details so we can contact them)
? No
? Don’t know

4. Does the council service facilitate or take part in any hate crime forums?
? Yes (if yes – can you list the names of the council forums that the police service facilitates or takes part in)
? Local: yes/no (if yes _________________________________________)
? Regional: yes/no (if yes ________________________________________)
? National: yes/no (if yes _________________________________________)
? Other: ________________________________________
? No
? Don’t know

5. Does the Council have a designated hate crime information page on its website?
? Yes (if yes – please can you provide the URL link? _________________________________)
? No
? Don’t know  

6. Does the Council facilitate hate crime reporting?
? Yes
    ? 3rd party reporting sites
    ? helpline
    ? others (please detail ______________________________________________________)
? No
? Don’t know  - links on website: yes/no

7. Does the Council have a budget for tackling hate crime? What is/was that budget?
2017/18: ____________
2018/19: ____________
2019/20: ____________
2020/21: ____________
2021/22: ____________
2022/23: ____________

8. Does the council have access to hate crime resources?
? Yes (if yes – please can you send us pdf copies of them?)
? report cards
? leaflets
? posters
? badges
? pens
? t-shirts
? Other: ________________________________
? No
? Don’t know  

9. Does the council refer victims of hate crime to independent advice and support services?
? Yes
? Crimestoppers
? Stop Hate UK
? Victim Support
? Victim Support Northern Ireland
? The Community Security Trust (National Organisation for Jewish victims)
? TELL MAMA (National Organisation for Muslim Victims)
? The Monitoring Group
? GATE Herts (A national reporting service)
? Galop (National organisation supporting LGBT+ victims)
? East European Resource Centre (EERC)
? other – can you provide a list of independent advice and support services, the police service refers to.
? No
         ? Don’t know

10. Is the council planning to participate in National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2022 (8-16 October)?
? Yes (if yes – can you tell us what the council is planning to do: _________________________________)
? No
? Don’t know  

11. Has the council participated in previous National Hate Crime Awareness weeks?
? Yes (if yes – please can you tick the years that the police service has taken part in the national week)
? 2012  
? 2013  
? 2014  
? 2015  
? 2016   
? 2017  
? 2018  
? 2019  
? 2020  
? 2021  
? No
? Don’t know

Response 27-06-2022

1. No

2. No

3. Yes, Don Toonen, Equal Opportunities Officer, Moray Council.


Local: No

Regional: Yes, Integrate Grampian, chaired by Grampian Regional Equality Council

National: No 

Other: No

5. No

6. Yes

Third-party reporting sites: Yes

Others: Referral to Grampian Regional Equality Council for Case Conference or Counselling
Links on website: No

7. No

8. Yes, Police Scotland Leaflets

9. Yes: Grampian Regional Equality Council

10. No

11. No

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