FOI Request - Health and Social Care

Request 101003084646

1. In 2021 in your authority, how many people have been assessed as needing care and are currently waiting for a care package to be in place, up and running?
2. In 2022 in your authority, how many people have been assessed as needing care and are currently waiting for a care package to be in place, up and running?

3. In 2021 in your authority how long ( average) do people assessed as needing care have to wait for a care package to be in place, up and running?
4. In 2022 in your authority how long ( average) do people assessed as needing care have to wait for a care package to be in place, up and running?

5. In 2021 in your authority how many people have been assessed as having low or moderate needs?
6. In 2022 in your authority how many people have been assessed as having low or moderate needs?

7. Does your authority fund care for people assessed as having low/moderate needs?

Response 24-06-2022

1. 54 people assessed as needing care in 2021 are currently awaiting a full care package.

2. 67 people assessed as needing care in 2022 are currently awaiting a full care package.

3. Average of 44 Days

4. Average of 38 Days

5. 3

6. 5

7. Only people who meet the eligibility criteria of critical or substantial get assessed for care. All personal care is free if you are assessed as needing it, but this would not generally fall into low/moderate category.

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