FOI Request - Boundaries of Ground Belonging to Falconer Museum

Request 101003079515

I wish to know the exact boundaries of the ground belonging to the Falconer Museum store in Forres.

I would be grateful if you could send me a plan of the area with boundaries of the ground belonging to the museum clearly marked.

If you are unable to do this, please send me copies of the title deeds to the museum store together with copies of the planning and building control files (with plans) relating to the conversion of the building to museum store so I can work out the boundaries for myself.

Response 15-06-2022

Indicative boundaries of what is allocated to the museums store according to the database are shown on this map outlined in orange. The blue hatched areas are also in council ownership. The green hatched area has been sold. 

It should be noted that this is not a copy of a title plan for the property but an indicative plan based on the physical on site boundaries. It should be noted due to the size and nature of property held by the Council individual title plans for each asset is not always available as properties held in Council ownership will often change size and function, permanently or temporarily, with time.

Please noted that formal title information is publicly available from the Registers of Scotland.

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