FOI Request - Elective Home Education

Request 101003081469

1.  How many children are currently known as being electively home educated in the local authority? Of those children, how many have:
a. no known Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)?
b. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with and without EHCPs?

2.     How many pupils were de-registered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017

3.     How many children with no known Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) were de-registered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017

4.     How many children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with and without EHCPs were de-registered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017

5.     How many children were de-registered from special schools to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017

6.     How many children under mental health services, such as CAMHS, were de-registered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017

Please provide the information in the form of either a written document, sent as a PDF or Word document by email, or in an Excel spreadsheet sent by email.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.

Response 20-06-2022

1. 78

a) 78

b) 0

We do not currently record in our system whether a child has special needs and disabilities.  We collect the reason for home education under the following headings:

Parental choice
Discontent with school
Additional Support Needs
Flexibility to travel
Discontent with Peer group


Number of children home schooled:

Dates                                                Primary                                    Secondary                                             Total*
July 2017-July 2018                          24                                           16                                                           40
July 2018- July 2019                         34                                           23                                                           57
July 2019- July 2020                         35                                           30                                                           65
July 2020- July 2021                         48                                           51                                                           99
July 2021 -  present                           29                                           49                                                           78

* I have included those who were only home schooled for part of the year

3. Figures as above

4. The figures below are the children who gave their reason for home educating as Additional support needs:

a.     July 2021  *
b.     July 2020  *
c.      July 2019  *
d.     July 2018  *
e.     July 2017  *

Please note: numbers less than 5 have been redacted (*) as the low numbers involved may result in the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.

5. Not held - We do not have special schools in Moray as we believe in inclusion; therefore there were no children deregistered from special schools.Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.


a.     July 2021  *
b.     July 2020   *
c.      July 2019  *
d.     July 2018  *
e.     July 2017  *

Total             = 7

Please note: numbers less than 5 have been redacted (*) as the low numbers involved may result in the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. 

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