FOI Request - Earning/Wage Arrestment Relating to Council Tax Debt

Request 101003081418

I am writing to request information related to the collection of council tax debts via the use of Attachment of Earnings (or Earning/Wage Arrestment if based in Scotland) orders.

For each of the financial years;



1. How many Attachment of Earnings (or Earning/Wage Arrestment if based in Scotland) orders did your organisation issue for debts relating to Council Tax payments?"

Provision of data:

Please supply the figure for each requested year as a separate line item so an annual comparison of the increase/decrease can be calculated for each.

Response 21-06-2022

In response to your Freedom of Information request about the use of Earnings Arrestments in the enforcement of unpaid Council Tax, I can confirm to you that the local authority's firm of Sheriff Officers have issued the following number of arrestments in each of the years that you have specified:

2019/20 - 591
2020/21 - 237
2021/22 - 510

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