FOI Request - Early Learning and Childcare Budget
Request 101003075871
1) What percentage of 1140 hours delivery is through partner providers (excluding local authority settings) from Aug '21-Mar '22?
2) What percentage of ELC budget is (including 600/1140 hours) used to fund partner providers (excluding local authority settings) from Aug '21 - Mar '22?
3) What was your combined ELC budget (600/1140) for 2021/22?
4) What percentage of ELC budget for 2021/22 was spent on capital expenditure?
5) What percentage of ELC budget for 2021/22 was spent on training and support for partner providers?
Response 15-06-2022
1) We had 1242 children with Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) early years sector providers (including childminders) and 664 children with Local authority settings. Totaling 1906 - meaning 65% is offered through PVIs (including childminders)
2) 50.77% - this calculation is for the period April 21 to March 22 - we cannot identify August 21 to March 22 separately.
Gross Expenditure Budget £13,752,370
Government Specific Grant -£10,578,511
Other Income -£4,065
Net Budget £3,169,794
4) 3.85% - total Capital Expenditure was £1,748,338. £550,000 of this was funded by revenue and is included in the percentage above, leaving a balance of £1,198,338 funded by the Capital Budget
5) 0.06%