FOI Request - Number of GP Surgeries Closed since 1st January 2020

Request 101003075096

I am looking for information regarding the number of GP surgeries that have closed since 1st January 2020 to present.

As such, can I request the following:

1. The number of GP surgeries/practices that have closed since 1st January 2020 to present, with a breakdown by year.
2. The number of GPs that have retired or ceased working since 1st January 2020 to present, with a breakdown by year and reason for stopping work.
3. The number of new permanent GPs that have started since 1st January 2020 to present, with a breakdown by year.
4. The number of locum GPs that have been used since 1st January 2020 to present, with a breakdown by year.

Response 19-05-2022

In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that this information is not held. The requestor is advised to contact NHS Grampian:

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