FOI Request - Planning or Licencing Required for Historic Building in Conservation Area

Request 101003072741

A historic building, (not listed but located in conservation area) with main entrance opening directly onto a narrow public foot-path and a car-park to its rear, has operated for many years as an Hotel for Guests, with Bar & Restaurant facilities available to non-residents.

Following extensive internal modifications, customer numbers increased very considerably.
The increased volume of custom reflects in the number of vehicles competing for car-parking space within the premises boundary.
The excess/overspill vehicles park on the public highway to the front of the building, causing distress, inconvenience, noise and obstruction to adjacent residential dwellings.
Delivery/collection of Hotel goods/products/services, some of which commence at 05:00hrs, take place on the public highway, exacerbating existing disruption to adjacent residents.


Would Council's Liquor Licensing/Planning Departments expect or require submission of a revised Operating Plan and premises capacity statement (a) prior to modifications, (b) require no notification of Pre or Post modifications, or (c) take action only on receipt of public complaint?

Response 13-06-2022

In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that this information is not held, as this is a theoretical question about unspecified premises. Questions about specified premises could be directed to the Licensing Standards Officer for Liquor. 

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