FOI Request - Fleet Management

Request 101003069835

Fleet Management

1.  What is the size of your fleet?
2.  Does your authority operate a fleet management software product? If so, which provider?
3.  What is the annual spend for this contract?
4.  When does the contract expire?
5.  If you go through the tender process, which framework or platform do you use?
6.  Is your fleet maintenance conducted in house? Externally outsourced? Or both?


1.  Is your authority planning on moving towards an alternative fuel fleet? Or have you already implemented an alternative fuel fleet and charging provider?
2.  If you already have charging ports installed for fleet vehicles, how many are installed and what charging network (i.e., PodPoint, Engie) do you use?
3.  What is planned next?


1.  Who is your current telematics supplier?
2.  What is the annual spend for this contract?
3.  When does the contract expire?

Response 08-06-2022

Fleet Management

1. 528 registered vehicles, 810 items of plant

2. Yes Tranman

3. Contract details can be found on the Moray Council website here. (  ) This information therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible

4. Purchased in 2000 no contract expiry date

5.  If we were to change the system we would be using a Scotland XL framework
6.  In house


1a. Yes
1b. Partially
2.  Charging points for fleet vehicles - Charge Place Scotland & Easeev
3.  To continue replacing vehicles with alternative fuel vehicles and implement infrastructure as budgets allow


1.  Ctrack & Gould Tel Gould Electronics

2. Contract details can be found on the Moray Council website here. (  ) This information therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible

3. Contract details can be found on the Moray Council website here. (  ) This information therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible

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