FOI Request - Litter Picking
Request 101003062446
1) Does the council run a programme providing volunteers with litter picking equipment to enable them to clean up their local area? If so, please give the name of this programme, when it was launched and what equipment is provided to volunteers.
2) If such a programme exists, please tell me how many new members have signed up in EACH of the last five years and the total number of volunteers that have signed up to date.
3) Please provide me with any information you can on the amount of litter collected EACH YEAR by volunteers taking part in the council-run litter picking initiatives in the last five years (if applicable) or as many years info as you can provide without exceeding the FOI cost limit.
Response 27-05-2022
1) The Council do not run a specific 'programme' for this. However, we have always provided litter picking equipment to community groups on request. The equipment comprises of litter pickers, Hi-Viz vests, disposable gloves and bags. We also make arrangements to uplift and dispose of any collected litter from an agreed appropriate location following the organised litter pick.
2. N/A
3. In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 please be advised that this information is not held.