FOI Request - Landlord Registration/Deregistration
Request 101003052267
Under FOISA, please provide:
1. The number of landlords who have de-registered from the landlord registration system in each financial year since 2017/18
2. The number of properties which have been de-registered from the landlord registration system in each financial year since 2017/18
3. So long as it does not push the request over the £600 limit, I would also like a list of the addresses of all the properties which have been de-registered from the landlord registration system in 2020/21 and 2021/22. The purpose of this is to cross-reference this with sales data on the ScotLis service to see the price paid information; I am advised that you will be able to provide a list of the addresses of properties.
Response 27-04-2022
1. and 2. The information you requested for question 1 and 2 can be found here.
3. Under Section 17(1) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (2002), this information is not held.