FOI Request - Learning Estate CO2 Monitoring

Request 101003050580

At the start of the school year in 2021, before the October break, local authorities across Scotland were asked to conduct initial CO2 assessments of learning, teaching and play spaces. The programme of assessment was led by local authorities, with support from Scottish Government officials and the Scottish Futures Trust. They worked collaboratively to align best practice. Wherever possible before the October break, every learning, teaching and play space had to receive an initial assessment for at least a day under normal occupancy conditions, so that readings were properly representative. The full operational detail about the outcome of assessments, including the number of spaces where concerns were identified, is held at a local level.

This background description is based on a statement from Shirley-Anne Somerville during a debate on schools ventilation in the Scottish Parliament.


Please can you provide the outcome of your local authority's initial CO2 assessments of learning, teaching and play spaces.

I define "outcome" as the collated data for the CO2 concentration levels in each learning, teaching and play space you assessed.  

If the outcome has been compiled into a report, please provide me with the full copy of the report.

Alternatively, please provide the outcome in whatever format you are currently holding the data.


Response 20-10-2022 

The response to your request can be found here (September) and here (November).

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