FOI Request - Bin Collections, Potholes and Streetlights

Request 101002970358

The information I am requesting is:

1.           Details of any changes to bin collection schedules over the last 5 financial years, broken down by financial year and ward in which the changes were taking place
2.           The average time taken to repair streetlights for each year over the last 5 financial years
3.           The average amount of time taken to respond to a complaint made to the Council   for each year over the last 5 financial years
4.           The number of potholes which have been repaired, broken down by council ward,  for each year over the last 5 financial years
5.           The amount of compensation paid out by the council for potholes   for each year over the last 5 financial years
6.           The outstanding maintenance estimated cost to repair potholes by council ward  for each year over the last 5 financial years


Response 11-04-2022

Financial Year Food & Garden Waste (Brown Bin) General Waste (Green Bin) Recycling (Blue, Purple Bins, Glass) Notes
2017-2018 Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly  
2018-2019 Fortnightly 3 Weekly Fortnightly Household waste collection changed from fortnightly to 3 weekly w.e.f. 1st April 2018
2019-2020 Fortnightly 3 Weekly Fortnightly  
2020-2021 Fortnightly 3 Weekly 3 Weekly Due to Covid, recycling collections suspended for 6 weeks, April/May then restarted on a 3 weekly collection in line with household waste collections.
Food & Garden collection remained fortnightly throughout.
2021-2022 Fortnightly 3 Weekly 3 Weekly  


All domestic household collection regimes are applied across all eight Wards within Moray at the same time.  If the enquirer regards any daily changes made to collections due to unforeseen circumstances such as vehicle breakdowns, poor weather conditions, etc, we do not record this.

2. Please find the information you requested here

3. Included are both sets of figures. Those for total complaints and those for average time taken:

2016-2017 - 383 complaints
2017-2018 - 525 complaints
2018-2019 - 597 complaints
2019-2020 - 724 complaints
2020-2021 - 511 complaints

The average time for complaints in accordance with the model complaints handling procedure is categorised as follows:

Front line (within 5 working days)

2016-2017 - 3.6 days
2017-2018 - 5 days
2018-2019 - 6.6 days
2019-2020 - 5.5 days
2020-2021 - 5.5 days

Investigation (within 20 working days)

2016-2017 - 20.4 days
2017-2018 - 21.7 days
2018-2019 - 32.3 days
2019-2020 - 22.9 days
2020-2021 - 21.9 days

Escalated (from either at front line or investigation although this would mainly be escalated from investigation)

2016-2017 - 13.2 days
2017-2018 - 29.9 days
2018-2019 - 17.5 days
2019-2020 - 29.1 days
2020-2021 - 20.3 days

4. Please find the information you requested here. Please note the closest data we have is the number of works instructions which are categorised as ‘carriageway defects’. Please note not all of these instructions will be regarding potholes, and also some instructions may have been reporting several carriageway defects in the vicinity. We are unable provide a report breaking this down to Ward level as this information is not held.

5. Payments made in relation to potholes – not compensation but reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance:

2021/2022 - £1820.61
2020/2021 – 0.00
2019/2020 - £369.47
2018/2019 - £56654.40
2017-2018 – 0.00

6. Please find the information you requested here. Please note we are unable provide a report breaking this down to Ward level as this information is not held.

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