FOI Request - School Attendance

FOI Request 101003044141

1.  What advice did the Scottish Government give to the local authority with regard to recording COVID-related absence?

2.  What work has the local authority done to ensure that all pupils are re-engaging with formal schooling following lockdown and how is that work being evaluated?

3.  Have any studies been carried out to estimate the number and characteristics of pupils who have failed to re-establish regular attendance following lockdown? If so, what have they found?

4.   In each of the past six years, how many pupils have attendance figures of a)less than 90%, b) less than 80%, c)less than 50%, d)0%  broken down by stage of schooling.

5. In each of the past six years, how many pupils have attendance figures of a)less than 90%, b) less than 80%, c)less than 50%, d)0%  broken down by i) P1-4; ii) P5-7; iii)S1-3; iv)S4-6

6.  In each of the past six years, how many pupils have attendance figures of a)less than 90%, b) less than 80%, c)less than 50%, d)0%  broken down whether or not the pupils were in receipt of free school meals.

7.  For each of the past six years, how many pupils have been reported to the Children's reporter due to failing to attend school? Of those, what was the percentage which returned a "no further action"?

Response 06-07-2022

1. Code list attached which was provided by our MIS supplier from Scottish Government guidance.

2. During both lockdowns, schools made use of a variety of means to keep in contact with children which included telephone conversations, digital platforms and where engagement was poor, door-step contact was made where necessary.  School staff including support staff and partner agencies all contributed to keeping in touch with children and wellbeing walks were particularly effective where there was vulnerability or concerns of any kind. Hubs were established in localities and schools. Working with Social work identified those children who would benefit from attendance at a hub to ensure that their well-being as well as engagement with work set by their base school.  During the second lockdown, we built on practice and with hubs established in all schools, they were very proactive in keeping contact with those who were not engaging as well as inviting more to come in to school to meet with key adults.  After both lockdowns, primary schools kept a key focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing as well as secondary schools for those pupils in the BGE.  This ensured that key skills and essential elements of the curriculum were covered.  As a Council, we undertook various surveys which provided us with rich information to share across our schools.  This information has helped inform School Improvement and Recovery plans.  Evaluations were part of this from first to second lockdown however any further evaluation will be incorporated in to school self-evaluation profiles as part of their own evidence to direct their work moving forwards.

3. We did not do this as a Council.

4.- 6. The information you requested can be found here.

7. No information held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 

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