FOI Request - Taxi Licencing
Request 101003042565
1. Please can you provide me with the name, job title, contact number and email address of the person responsible for the management of Taxi Licensing.
2. Details of your current taxi licensing platform including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. The licensing platform is the software that you use to manage customers applications, e.g., Idox, Civica, Jadu. Unless of course you use Word, Excel, PDF or
Response 20-04-2022
1. Sean Hoath, Senior Solicitor, Licensing and Regulatory. 01343 563077,
2. IDOX Software Ltd – Core systems annual maintenance (Planning, Building Standards, Environmental Health, Planning & Development, Trading Standards, Estates, Housing Improvement, Anti-social Behaviour & Licensing including Taxi, Public Entertainment, Premises License, Personal Licence, Window Cleaners, Street Trader) 5 year contract 01/04/2018 – 31/03/2023 £30,000 annual cost NOTE Taxi Licensing is a subset of records with in the sub module of Licensing. Details of current contracts available