FOI Request - Neighbour Complaints

Request 101003041696

(1) Please may you provide me with the number of complaints made to your council by individuals concerning their neighbours, separated by issue e.g. noise, statutory nuisance, boundary dispute etc

Can I please have the above data for the following periods:

• 1st January 2021 - Present
• 1st January 2020 - 31st December 2020
• 1st January 2019 - 31st December 2019

(2) Do you also have a record of indecent exposure complaints by individuals concerning their neighbours? e.g. individuals filing complaints around seeing their neighbour exposed by the window or garden.


Response 27-04-2022

Neighbour disputes cases:
2019 - 55
2020 - 55
2021 - 33
2022 - 3

Noise Complaints:
1342 Noise complaints dealt with by the Community safety in the time period.
These are not categorised and therefore to examine every case to add a category would be exempt in accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, due to excessive cost.

(2) Under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (2002), this information is not held.

For note:
1342 case, an average of 5 mins per case to read and categorise = 6710 minutes = 112 hrs. The cap for excessive cost is 40hrs work.

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