FOI Request - Spend on Public Artwork

Request 101002970383

This is an information request relating to council funding of public artwork.

Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:
• A full breakdown of any public artwork commissioned and funded by the council, including details on location and all costs including the cost of installation, commissioning and any incidentals. Please also include where relevant the difference, if any, between the expected cost and actual cost. Where a piece of public artwork has not yet been completed, please include the expected cost and the cost so far
• Images of the public artwork, or an artist’s rendering if that’s not possible
By public artwork I mean any artwork within the council’s remits which is publicly displayed and includes, but is not limited to, sculptures, mosaics, paintings, murals whether standalone or on bridges, walls or any other structures

Response 07-03-22

NIL - There has been no spend by the Council on public art for the time period specified.

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