FOI Request - Library Purchases

Request 101003006724

Please include the information, broken down by year, for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:

1) A list of all the books purchased, including the number of copies and the names of the books

2) The total spend on books, broken down by year and by the spend on each book (if multiple copies of the same book were purchased, then you can express this as a single figure)

Response 21-03-2022

1) Please see a list of additions to stock here.


Total spend on books through our book supply contract for the years requested:

2019/20: £76,428
2020/21: £38,043
2021/22: £55,725

A further breakdown of costs falls under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - excessive cost of compliance. In addition, information regarding the cost of individual items is exempt from release under Section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 whereby disclosure would (or would be likely to) prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person or organisation.

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