FOI Request - Crustacean Transport

Request 101003006654

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’) to request information from Moray Council regarding the enforcement of general protections for the welfare of decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs (cold-blooded invertebrates) during commercial transport and at the time of killing.

In relation to each of the questions asked, please take any reference to ‘WATEO’ to include:
• In Scotland, The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Scotland) Regulations 2006

In relation to each of the questions asked, please take any reference to ‘WATOK’ to include:
• In Scotland, The Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Scotland) Regulations 2012

Please respond to the following questions, providing separate figures for decapods and cephalopods. We have provided an Excel table for your convenience.  We are happy to receive the information in this form, or any other.

1) How many a) decapods and b) cephalopods have been transported per year in Moray Council since 2006?  Please provide separate figures for each year.

2) How many times have allegations, relating to a) decapods and b) cephalopods, been reported to Moray Council which could amount to an offence under Article 4 of WATEO since 2006?  Please provide separate figures for each year.

3) How many times have allegations, relating to a) decapods and b) cephalopods, been reported to Moray Council which could amount to an offence under Schedule 4 of WATOK since 2012?  Please provide separate figures for each year.

4) How many of such allegations in relation to a) decapods and b) cephalopods which have been reported under WATEO, have resulted in a prosecution? Please provide separate figures for each year in which the prosecution was brought.

5) How many of such allegations in relation to a) decapods and b) cephalopods which have been reported under WATOK, have resulted in a prosecution? Please provide separate figures for each year in which the prosecution was brought.  

6) Where the allegation has not resulted in a prosecution, please provide the reason why a prosecution was not commenced, the stage of the process when the decision not to prosecute was taken and which government department or prosecuting body took the decision? Please provide the said information for WATEO and WATOK separately.

7) Where a prosecution did proceed what was the outcome? Please provide the information for WATEO and WATOK separately and indicate in which country the prosecution took place.

Response 21-03-2022

1a and b) NIL

2 - 7) N/A.

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