FOI Request - Buying Back Ex Council Homes

Request 101002995618

I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA):

1. Copies of any policy guidance relating to buying back ex council homes
2. The target (if there is a target) number or percentage of ex council homes your local authority intends to buy back over then next 5 years
3. How many ex council homes your council has bought back over the last 5 years, broken down by business year, and whether (if there was a target) the target for this was met

Response 08-03-2022

1. Copies of any policy guidance relating to buying back ex council homes
Section 7 of the Council's Strategic Housing Investment Plan sets out the criteria we will use to consider individual open market purchases
2. The target (if there is a target) number or percentage of ex council homes your local authority intends to buy back over then next 5 years
No target has been set.
3. How many ex council homes your council has bought back over the last 5 years, broken down by business year, and whether (if there was a target) the target for this was met

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