FOI Request - Vacant Residential Properties Owned by the Salvation Army

Request 101002993213

I would like to be provided with details of all residential property in the borough owned by the Salvation Army (SA) over the past five years that has been left vacant.

I would also like to know what council tax discount (if any) these properties have been granted for the vacancy periods (

For the avoidance of doubt, I am only asking for details about vacancy at and council taxes levied on Salvation Army properties - and not the actual addresses of the homes.

The information should be presented in separate tables for each year (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) with the following columns.

1/ Sequential Salvation Army Properties in the borough (ie Property 1, Property 2 etc etc).
2/ No. of days of the year the property was left vacant.
3/ Council tax paid by the SA on the property during the year.
4/ The discount granted to the SA on the full council tax rate because the property had been vacant.

Response 08-03-2022

Please see below table showing just one Council Tax property which was vacant and had the Salvation Army as liable. We do not have a way of knowing if they owned the property, just that they were liable. The property had been empty some time before 2017 and had already received all the discount it was entitled to.

Property 2017 Days Vacant Council Tax Paid Discount Granted
Property 1 149 £480.40 None applicable

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