FOI Request - Dog Fouling
Request 101002961824
Can you please provide an annual breakdown for the number of complaints or reports to the council about dog fouling in each of the years 2017-2021?
For each of these years, can you state how much was spent on cleaning up dog mess?
Response 08-02-22
1) Total complaints/reports about dog fouling (includes corporate complaints, Environmental Protection and Anti-Social Behaviour):
Year Number
2017 243
2018 248
2019 177
2020 169
2021 159
Please note, these figures will also include notifications of/requests to service full dog waste bins.
2) We do not record the cost of cleaning up dog mess or servicing dog litter bins separately, it’s done as part of the street sweeper/litter pickers general duties. This information therefore falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held.