FOI Request - School Debts

Request 101002944617

I would like to make a Freedom of Information request regarding school-related debts - not including debts related to school meals.

In particular, I would like to know:

1. Are there school-related debts incurred by pupils and their families, eg for course materials in school?
2. If so, can you detail the categories of these school-related debts?
3. What is the total value of these other school-related debts, broken down by category?
4. Can you provide breakdowns for each of these categories for the past five years?
5. How far back in time does the total amount of school-related debts extend?
6. When, if ever, school-related debts are written off.
7. Does the school or local authority refer families with school-related debts to money advice or other similar local services?

Response 25-01-22

1. Are there school-related debts incurred by pupils and their families, eg for course materials in school? YES 

2. If so, can you detail the categories of these school-related debts? CURRICULUM DEBTS 

3. What is the total value of these other school-related debts, broken down by category? £16065.50 

4. Can you provide breakdowns for each of these categories for the past five years?
2014-15 - £798.00; 2015-16 - £945.00; 2016-17 - £4975.25; 2017-18 - £5242.75; 2018-19 - £4104.50.  For the past few years, schools have not made curriculum based charges.
5. How far back in time does the total amount of school-related debts extend? 2014-15 

6. When, if ever, school-related debts are written off. Debts don't get written off, they are passed to a Debt Collector to pursue.

7. Does the school or local authority refer families with school-related debts to money advice or other similar local services? NO

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