EIR Request - Fly-tipping Offences

Request 101002940816

- How many fly-tipping offences have been committed in your area in the last five financial years?
- How many of those who committed offences have since been prosecuted?
- In terms of being prosecuted, how many of these punishments resulted in (a) Custodial sentences (B) community sentences (C) Fines

Response 10-01-22

1. Fly-tipping offences reported to Waste department:

1/4/2016 – 31/3/2017: 139
1/4/2017 – 31/3/2018: 336
1/4/2018 – 31/3/2019: 321
1/4/2019 – 31/3/2020: 297
1/4/2020 – 31/3/2021: 402

Fly-tipping offences reported to Anti-Social behaviour:

2016/2017 - 36
2017/2018 - 38
2018/2019 - 26
2019/2020 - 46
2020/2021 - 145

2. None.

3a) None

b) None


Fixed Penalty Notices Issued:

2016/2017 - 7
2017/2018 - 5
2018/2019 - 3
2019/2020 - 0
2020/2021 - 16

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