FOI Request - Anti-social Behaviour

Request 101002936367

How many phone calls and online contacts did your local authority receive about anti-social behaviour from 1st October 2020 to 30th September 2021?   Please provide separate figures for phone calls and online contacts.  

Of these (giving answers for phone and online contacts):

a. How many led to no action (no action means none of the actions in points b to e in the list below were taken)?
b. How many were resolved at the time of contact by a call handler, or online at the time of contact by a member of staff on Live Chat?
c. How many led to a member of staff being sent out?
d. How many led to a member of staff making contact with the complainant or the person being complained about after the call or contact, but not visiting in person?
e. How many were referred to another agency such as the police or a housing association (either by the council making the referral, or advising the complainant to make contact with the other agency themselves)?

If you do not have any information for one or more these bullet points, I would be grateful if you could provide answers for those for which you do have information.  For example, if online contact does not exist for anti-social behaviour at your council, please only respond to the questions about phone calls.

Response 23-12-21

Records are not held which specify whether a complaint was made by phone or online. This information therefore falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act - information not held. The total complaints about anti-social behaviour received is 991 for the time period specified. 

Due to the way that records are kept, extracting this data would cost in excess of £600. Answers to the remaining questions fall under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - excessive cost of compliance. 

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