FOI Request - Council Tax Credits
Request 101002934530
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the total value of council tax credits (£) for the council between the financial years 2015-2020 as well as the total number of accounts in credit that make up all the credits in the same period.
Please provide the information in the form of a simple table [with column headings: Financial Year; Number of Accounts; Total Credits (£)]
If it is not possible to provide a breakdown of credits by financial year and they are instead only recorded on a rolling basis could I get the total value of current credits (£) and the total number of accounts in credit as of the current date.
Response 17-12-21
The breakdown of credits by year is:
2020 - total value of credits: £44,912.34: number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 281;
2019 - total value of credits: £37,582.02; number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 223;
2018 - total value of credits £18,783.03: number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 180;
2017 - total value of credits: £18,731.20: number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 131;
2016 - total value of credits: £7,958.58; number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 92;
2015 - total value of credits: £5,769.43; number of accounts bearing a credit balance: 81.