FOI Request - Windfarm Development Applications

Request 101002933890

a) How many windfarm development applications have you received since 2016 until the present day?

b) How many windfarm development applications did you approve from 2016 until the present day?

c)  How many windfarm development applications did you refused from 2016 until the present day?

d)  How many windfarm development applications have you referred to the Scottish Government to determine?

e)  How many windfarm development applications were referred to the Scottish Government as a result of not meeting time restraints?

f) In terms of financial costing, how much income does the local authority generate from windfarm development applications per individual case?

Response 17-12-21

Questions a - c can be answered by looking at the web site link below:

This information therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible. 

d - none

e - none

f - none

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