FOI Request - Agency Social Workers
Request 101002918304
This is a FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Could you please provide the following information you have pertaining to Social Care temporary agency staffing management and spend within your Council:
1. What was the total number of social workers at your organisation at the end of the last financial year (31.3.2021), split by:
Children’s services Adult services
Permanent social workers
Temporary (agency) social workers
2. What was the total spend by your organisation on temporary (agency) social workers during the last 3 financial years (YE: March 31th), split by:
Children’s services Adult services
3. Which agency/ies for adult and children social care temporary staffing have you used in the last financial year (2020/21)?
4. Which of the following model(s) are you using to manage your social care temporary staffing spend?
a) Master Vendor
b) Neutral Vendor
c) PSL
Response 26-11-21
1. We submit a report to SSSC every year that takes a snapshot of social work on a date in December. The info is published here This information therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible. According to the information submitted there were 160 qualified social workers working in Moray at that time although not all of these working in frontline social work posts.
2. None for both Children's and Adult's services for the years requested.
3. None for both Children's and Adult's services for the years requested.
4. N/A