FOI Request - Biometrics In Schools

Request 101002916373

I seek to understand if biometric data is collected within your LA.  I therefore request the following information under FOISA:

1. Do you collect any form of biometric data relating to children and if so confirm the type?
2. What are the stated purposes?
3. Did you undertake an assessment with regards to privacy and necessity/proportionality?
4. Is your processing based solely upon consent?
5. Where data processing is undertaken by a third party supplier confirm:
i. Did you undertake an assessment of the security risks?
ii. Is the data stored in house or via a cloud provider?
iii. What arrangements are in place to remove data if consent is withdrawn?
iv. Confirm, if any, how many complaints in relation to data subject information rights have been received?
v. Confirm number of data breaches recorded relating to biometric processing and how many were reported to the ICO.

Response 24-11-21

Moray Council do not use biometrics in any schools.

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