FOI Request - Debt Passed to Sheriff Officers

Request 101002907001

[Follow-up question associated with FOI Request 101002879202 - Debt Recovery -]

Initial questions: 1. How many referrals has your local authority made to a debt collection agency for a) council tax debt broken down by tax year for the last 5 years
b)   council house rent arrears  broken down by tax year for the last 5 years
b) any other form of debt  broken down by tax year for the last 5 years

2. How much money, in total, has your local authority requested to be recovered by debt collection agencies for 1 a), b) and c) for the last last 5 tax years

3. How much money, in total, has your local authority recovered by debt collection agencies for 1 a), b) and c) for the last last 5 tax years

Follow-up request: Could I please ask the questions for debt that has been passed to sheriff officers?

Response 08-11-21

Housing related debts are not referred to Sheriff Officers for recovery.  Sheriff Officers are employed only for serving court papers and enforcing court orders obtained by the department.

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