FOI Request - Deaf Community Support
Request 101002905793
If you could help us in providing the following information, it would be most appreciated:
1. Do you provide community information videos which are accessible to British Sign Language users or the Deaf Community in general?
2. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?
3. Do you provide communication support for Deaf Employees?
4. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?
I would appreciate it if the information could be provided to me as an electronic copy. If this is not possible then I am more than happy to accept a paper copy.
Response 04-11-21
1. Do you provide community information videos which are accessible to British Sign Language users or the Deaf Community in general? We don't provide this in general but we have directed the Deaf Community in Moray to Scottish Government information on COVID, including links to information in BSL. We had BSL interpretation at the Council meeting about the Moray BSL plan and we produced a BSL video of the plan.
2. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this? Don Toonen, Equal Opportunities Officer, Governance, Strategy and Performance.
3. Do you provide communication support for Deaf Employees? Yes. This is done on an individual basis as a reasonable adjustment.
4. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this? In the first instance it will be the individual's line manager in liaison with HR and the Equal Opportunities Officer.