FOI Request - Spending and Contracts for Older Person’s Social Services

Request 101002897151

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding spending and contracts for older person’s social services (aged 65 and over).

1. Does the Local Authority operate a usual cost of care for older person’s social services? By usual cost of care, we mean set weekly fee rates that the Local Authority pays to care providers for older people’s residential, residential EMI, nursing, and nursing EMI care.

2. If the answer to question 1 is ‘yes’, does the Local Authority have a banding system for fee rates? By ‘banding system’ we mean different levels of fees according to a council’s own criteria i.e. quality grades.

3. If the answer to question 2 is ‘no’, please provide the Local Authority’s own set weekly fee rates for 2021/22 for:

a.  Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential EMI
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing EMI

4. If the answer to question 2 is ‘yes’, please provide the Local Authority’s own weekly set fees associated with each band/grade for 2021/22 for:

a.  Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential EMI
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing EMI

5. Please provide the highest, lowest, average (mean) and median actual weekly fees paid to older person’s care providers in 2021/22

a.  Older person’s residential
b. Older person’s residential EMI
c. Older person’s nursing
d. Older person’s nursing EMI

For clarification, EMI stands for Elderly Mentally Infirm

If figures for 2021/22 are not available please provide budgeted or predicted figures


Response 06/10/2021

These rates are all set nationally as this is a Scotland Excel contract.  

Details of the contract can be found here:

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