FOI Request - Homelessness

Request 101002888635

Please find below a freedom of information request relating to homelessness in your local authority area.
Housing First
Q1. For each of the following years, please indicate how much money your local authority invested in the ‘Housing First’ scheme? (If data is only available in financial years please provide in this format)
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021 (So Far)
Q2. Has the investment outlined above been drawn from your homelessness provision budgets, and if so what % does this represent (please outline for the most recent full financial/calendar year)?
Q3. How many individuals are currently accessing Housing First services in your local authority area?
Q4. What was your target (if applicable) for the number of individuals to access Housing First services this year?
Temporary Accommodation
Q5. For each of the following years, please indicate how many individuals were placed in temporary accommodation? (If data is only available in financial years please provide in this format)
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021 (So Far)
Q6a.) Do you have a (targeted) maximum amount of time individuals are expected to spend in temporary accommodation before being moved into permanent accommodation? If so, please provide details of this target.
Q6b.) (If there is a target) How many individuals, currently living in temporary accommodation, have exceeded this expected amount of time?
Q7. Please provide a breakdown on the number of people currently placed in different forms of temporary accommodation. Where possible, please provide raw numbers for:
- B&Bs
- Hostels
- Hotels
- Temporary furnished flats


Response 11/10/2021

1. Moray Council has not yet launched its Housing First scheme. We hope to do so at the beginning of 2022 so this is a nil response.

2. Not applicable (see Question 1)

3. Not applicable (see Question 1)

4. Not applicable (see Question 1)


Financial Year Number Placed in Temp Accommodation
1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019 649
1st April 2019 – 31st March 2020 592
1st April 2020 – 31st March 2021 492
1st April 2021 – 22nd September 2021 225

6a. No.

6b. Not applicable

7. As at 20/09/2021, households currently placed as below:
             - B&Bs – N/a
             - Hostels - 36
             - Hotels – N/a
             - Temporary furnished properties – 87
             - Refuge - 2

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