FOI Request - Electric Vehicle Charger Usage
Request 101002876937
Please could you provide the following details in regards to Electric Vehicle Charger usage of which your Local Authority hosts/owns.
For the first half of 2021 (1/1/21 - 30/06/21).
Only the totals are requested for that period, not daily, weekly or monthly figures.
Presented in the following manner.
CPS*Charger ID Number, City/Town, Location, Type, Total Charging Sessions, Total kWh over period requested.
For example:
51247, Stonehaven, Station Car Park, Rapid 50Kw, 1480, 16042.263 kWh 51293, Stonehaven, Market Square, Fast 7Kw, 749, 4706.44 kWh
Also Total number of Rapid (50kW) and Destination/Fast (7-22kW) chargers the council has to date.
Response 17-09-2021
Please find the requested information attached here.