FOI Request - National Flags
Request 101002872815
1. How many national flags does the council currently have - particularly Union Jacks and Saltires - both in use (on buildings etc) or in storage. Could you please break the information down into those currently in use and those which are not?
2. How much has been spent on buying national flags in the past five years
3. Any correspondence relating to the use of Union Jack flags or saltires on council buildings
Could you please provide the information in spreadsheet form if possible?
Response 23-09-2021
1. Facilities: 3 Flags fly Daily: Union Jack Flag, Saltire Flag, Moray Council Flag. 1 spare is held for all 3 flags.
Also held are 1 x Red Ensign flag for Merchant Navy Day, 1 x Emergency services day flag and 1 x Armed forces day flag.
Harbours: Standard maritime flags for diving, pilotage and a few other tasks, 2 Red ensign flags, one on the dredger and one on the pilot boat. These are replaced once a year depending on how much environmental damage has been incurred. The red ensign has a union jack in the top left corner with the other 3 quadrants being red. We do not keep any in stock.
Education (schools): Union Jacks - 9; Saltires – 18. All in storage apart from one primary school has a saltire flying.
2. This information is not recorded centrally within Education and to provide it would cost the Council in excess of £600. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 ‘excessive cost’, we are therefore unable to comply in full with this part of your request.
We can, however, advise that centrally recorded flag purchases over the last 5 years total £617.30 (figure includes purchase of Armed Forces Flag and Red Ensign Flag).
3. Please see the Protocol for Flag Flying on Moray Council Buildings and War Memorials (approved by Policy and Resources Committee on 4 June 2013). This document is published on the Council website and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 'information otherwise accessible'. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here.