FOI Request - Autism Support

Request 101002865659

The main information I require is as follows:   

1. What support, if any, is available in Moray for individuals with autism, particularly those who are transitioning from childhood (i.e has left secondary school) to adulthood?
2. What support, if any, is available in Moray for parents with autistic children?

Additionally, I request updates on the following sections of the Moray Autism Strategy 2014-2024 (

1. On page 11, item 3, bullet point 3, it states “Counselling and training will be available for people with autism and their families which helps them understand what autism is and what it will mean to them including learning coping strategies, how to manage behaviours or traits which cause them difficulty, etc.”  Is a counselling and training service available in Moray to people with autism and their families, and, if so, how can this service be accessed?
2. On page 11, item 3, bullet point 5, it states “People with autism and their families will be enabled to link together, either in person, or by e-mail or telephone, to support each other and make friends if they wish.”  Is this service available in Moray to people with autism and their families, and, if so, how can this service be accessed?
3. On page 11, item 3, bullet point 6, it states “Social groups and activities for people with autism will exist for those who wish to attend.”  Are social groups and activities available in Moray to people with autism and their families, and, if so, how can these be accessed?
4. On page 13, item 5, bullet point 1, it states “The Local Authority and National Health Service in Moray operate a ‘One Person, One Process’ philosophy to reduce duplication and make life easier to understand for those with autism. For children, this would take the form of the Local Integrated Assessment Planning Process (LIAP) used proportionately for all children with additional needs. For adults, this process will be agreed within the Action Plan.”  Has the ‘one person, one process’ philosophy been adopted in Moray for individuals with autism, and, if so, how does an adult with autism identify who their ‘one person’ is and obtain a an action plan?
5. On page 13, item 5, bullet point 5, it states “Reliable support services, which parents and people with autism can depend on, are available in Moray to enable people with autism, who struggle to manage their lives, to stay within Moray where ever possible. This will include educational support for children and residential, fostering, respite and other support services for both children and adults.”  Does Moray have reliable support services (educational, residential, respite, and other) for individuals with autism and their families, and, if so, what support is available and how is it accessed?
6. On page 13, item 5, bullet point 8, it states “Transitions, at all key stages, must be tailored to the individual, ideally through a Person Centred Approach using the Scottish Transitions Forum guidelines, coordinated by an identified lead professional.”  Is such a service available in Moray for individuals with autism, and, if so, how can it be accessed?
7. On page 15 it states that “Lead Officers for autism will be identified by the Local Authority and the National Health Service in Moray.  The Lead Officer will be responsible for co-ordinating who will do what and when, in order that the strategy happens. This will be shown on an Action Plan which will be reviewed and updated as progress is made. The up to date version of the Action Plan can be found on the Moray Council Website.”  Who is the Lead Officer for autism in Moray, and where on the Moray Council website can the up to date version of the action plan be accessed?

Response 28-09-2021

Part 1:

1. and 2. Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 enables those who are eligible for a social care budget to meet their specific needs.   This allows choice, flexibility and control for the family and/or the individual to create a support plan that works for them.  

See attached "What support is there in Moray at the Moment". The working group 'Supporting Children & Young People with Autism and their families' took this section from the Autism Strategy last year and updated to enable us to understand what the current picture in Moray was re supports. (The group was formed in direct response to a lack of provision as identified during lockdown 2020 for children and young people with Autism).

From this we developed an Autism Survey (see attached Draft GIRFEC 2020 autism survey key themes) as a means of hearing the voice of children, young people and families. This was an opportunity for initial engagement with families. Moray Wellbeing Hub ran a wellbeing walk in the park as an opportunity to feed the results back to those who had contributed as an initial form of engagement activity. From this a number of parents have indicated that they would be keen to be involved going forward.

During this time relationships were formed with Grampian Autistic Society who were keen to support families in Moray. Via Scottish Government Enhanced Summer Provision Funding GAS were able to provide Play Scheme provision for children and young people over the summer 2021. This took the form of large group, small group and bespoke 1:1 support to best meet the needs of the child.

The factors giving rise to additional support needs are as follows:
Learning Environment, Family Circumstances, Disability or Health Need, Social and Emotional factors.
If any of these factors are in play for any young person then additional support will be assessed, planned and provided through the Moray Child Planning Process which facilitates multi-agency working. This, of course, included children with Autism or other neuro-divergent conditions

Support for parents can be found through a variety of Pathways: Education, Social Care and third sector organisations. In relation to Autism the key services working to deliver support are Social Work, who have a directory of other services,  Grampian Autistic Society, Moray Autism Service ( school based support)

Part 2: 

To provide context, the Moray Autism Strategy 2012-2024 is no longer current and is needs updating. This has been due to a number of factors including the internal restructures of our service. The fact it was still available on our webpage has been an oversight. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we have now asked for this to be taken down. A working group will be brought together to review and redesign the strategy. As such we have tried to answer your inquiry in the fullest and most transparent way that we can reflecting the current level of the services that we provide.

1. In terms of specific Counselling and Training, we have no dedicated service (we used to have) but should anyone or their carer meet our eligibility criteria and this be their request at how their SDS budget is used, they and their social worker can search for relevant providers.

2. Via Grampian Autistic Society - they are looking to develop a family support group as part of their developments in Moray.

3. Via Grampian Autistic Society - summer play schemes were available for children and young people within Moray. This will continue in the form of weekend play schemes until the October holiday. Also:

Adult LD Services in Moray include:
• Out of Darkness Theatre Company
• Dream Time - Arts and Drama and community choir
• Moray Reach Out - Retail and Recycling Activities
• Findhorn Care Farming - Outdoors Gardening and Activities ( Still to be remobilised after Covid)
• Loch Park - Outdoor Centre for activities
• Cedarwood and Birnie - Day Centre
• Artequins - Art and Drama activities

4. The LIAP framework’s no longer exist within Moray. We build our care plans with children and young people in a person centred manner and so we consider every person we support as an individual and assess and meet their needs in this way.

5. See attached documents in response to part 1 of your request.

6. Transitions social workers look to the SILF to support individuals who are transitioning into adult services in relation to support to lead an independent life, for example support with equipment, to attend college etc.

7. Again given that the strategy is out of date there are no longer any lead officers identified through the strategy. This will be reviewed as the strategy is.

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