FOI Request - Reunification
Request 101002861606
(1) Does Moray Council have a specific team responsible for reunification or is this undertaken by different teams?
(2) Does Moray Council have a reunification policy?
(3) Does Moray Council have a reunification framework that social workers can follow when carrying out reunifications?
(4) Do Moray Council social workers use any specific assessment tools in relation to reunifications?
Response 07-09-2021
(1) There is no team responsible for reunification of children with their families. Most reunification assessments are completed by social workers in our areas teams.
(2) We do not have a reunification policy but this will be reviewed over the next year as we look at developing our services in full.
(3) We have signed up to use the NSPCC evidence informed reunification assessment and we are about to roll this out across the department, where staff will be trained in its use. Up until now there was a reunification framework that staff used that was based on the NSPCC model but was not used in full.
(4) As above.