EIR Request - Sites Of Ecological Interest

Request 101002860567

I would like to request, under the terms and conditions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the following information:

A list (including address and postcode) of any of the following that are found within the local authority:

• Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)
• Non-Statutory Nature Reserves
• Local Wildlife Sites
• Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCls)
• Any other area that has been designated by the Local Authority as having distinct ecological value and which would require any building work or property development to comply with specific requirements

Please include any such entity set up by a town and parish councils within the local authority.

Response 06-09-2021

Local Nature Reserves (LNR):-

Findhorn Bay - British National Grid 304225  862781 

Scottish Wildlife Trust  Reserves:-

Spey Bay - British National Grid 334553  865299 

Moray Wildlife Sites:-

Bin of Cullen British National Grid 348033 864097 

Foggie Moss British National Grid 346628  854094 

Kirkhillhead Woodland British National Grid 327158  861406 

Lossie Estuary British National Grid 324232  869938 

Maggieknockater British National Grid 331035  844614 

Portessie British National Grid 344743  866886 

The Wards British National Grid 321172  861936

Special Landscape Area (SLA)

There are13 areas designated as Special Landscape Area (SLA) in Moray. In accordance with section 6(1)(b) of the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (information otherwise available) please be advised that details can be found on the Council website here

These areas have been identified through various criteria for their importance which may have an ecological element to it, the Moray Local Development Plan 2020 then applies policy EP3 when development is within them.

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