EIR Request - Weed Control
Request 101002847376
1. What method do you use for weed control?
2. Do you use Chemicals?
3. If you use chemicals is the council looking to using a more environmentally friendly method?
4. Does the council carry out weed control duties in-house or is this contracted out?
5. (If contracted out) who is the contractor responsible for Weed control duties?
6. Does the council have a budget for a chemical free alternative?
7. Contact details for the person(s) responsible for managing weed control within the council
Response 04-08-2021
1. Application of herbicide via a knapsack sprayer or controlled droplet applicator
2. Yes
3. The Council has no current plans to change its existing methods of control
4. In-house
5. N/A
6. No
7. Open Space Manager – landsandparks@moray.gov.uk