FOI Request - Deaths Since March 2020
Request 101002845913
I would like to request the following information please in respect to the Moray Council area -
1. How many people since 1st March 2020 have died with Covid-19 / Coronavirus identified as the sole cause of death and what is their statistical age distribution?
2. Of those identified in 1. above, how many had received only a single vaccination and how many had received their double vaccination?
3. Since January 2010, what is the average number of people each year who have died with flu identified as the cause of death and what is their statistical age distribution?
4. Since Janualy 2010, what is the average number of people who have died with cancer identified as the cause of death and what is their statistical age distribution?
Response 04-08-2021
In accordance with section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we can confirm that this information is not held. Please contact NHS Grampian, contact details can be found on their website here.