FOI Request - Public Toilets

Request 101002845369

1. Could you please provide an annual breakdown for the last 5 years of the number of council operated public toilets available including the number it has currently?

2. Of the current toilets, could you please tell me how many are open?

3. Can you please tell me the total cost of operating the public toilets within the area?

4. Could you please provide the figure for the money saved as a result of the closure of any toilets which are currently not in use?

Response 12-08-21


2021 17
2020 16
2019 16
2018 16
2017 32

2. 17

3. 2020-2021 FY – total sum £8,891:52p

4. The savings from 2017 FY to 20/21Fy is £17,215:29p

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